One of the career planning programs at Pribadi Depok is seminars or workshops. These seminars or workshops are delivered to the students to give insights about university majors and programs, university application requirements, as well as scholarships available for high school students to take when they are about to enter the university.
In today’s seminar, students of grade 7-10 were given an overview on how to get the Indonesia Maju Scholarship and I-spark Sampoerna University full scholarship program. Here, we invited students from grade 11 and 12. They are Bachtiar Ben Caesarian, the awardee of BIM-3 and Ahmad Maulana, the awardee of I-spark Sampoerna University full scholarship.
Students had a question and answer session at the end of the seminar. Overall, this seminar was very beneficial for students in planning their future educational goal.

Written by: Suryo Aji Banjaransari, Career Planner of Pribadi Depok