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Early Start with Career Talk

Finding the best future career is sometimes difficult for some students. When they were asked about what they wanted to be in the future, many students found it difficult to answer.

That is why the career planning department of Pribadi Depok decided to have a talk show called “Career Talk”. This talk show is aimed to give the students starting from a very young age at the junior high school [grade 7-9] some insights about some available careers that they can take in the future.

Here, we have invited 4 distinguished guest speakers from 4 different backgrounds. They are Lawyer, Lecturer, Financial and IT expert. Those distinguished guest speakers have shared their experiences and knowledge about their expertise to the students.

All in all, this talk show was really beneficial for the students. It has provided some new insights and motivation for the junior high school students to prepare for their future career starting from now. We really appreciate all of our distinguished guests who have given their time and their knowledge for the betterment of our student’s future.

Written by: Suryo Aji Banjaransari, Career Planner of Pribadi Depok