Education Expo is a regular program conducted regularly in each semester at Pribadi Depok. It is one of many programs in the career planning department. This EduExpo is brought to the students to give insights about university majors and programs, university application requirements, as well as scholarships available for high school students to take when they are about to enter the university.
This semester EduExpo has successfully invited more than 20 universities and institutions to share their beneficial information for students at Pribadi Depok. Here are some of the participating universities and institutions; Kyoto University of Advance Science [KUAS], Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Pertamina, Binus, LSPR and many more.

Not only that we invited the university/institution representatives, but also we invited our alumni who are studying in public universities in Indonesia such as Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, UIN Jakarta & etc. We have also successfully invited our alumni who are studying abroad such as the alumni who are studying in the University of Toronto-Canada, University of Twente-The Netherlands, and Monash University-Australia. They participated in this EduExpo online by google meet. They have shared many information as well as their experience of studying and living abroad.
There were around 90 participants registered in this EduExpo. They are mostly the students of Pribadi Depok. Some of the participants are coming from outside the Pribadi Depok School. They are students of SMKN 1 Ciomas, SMKN 1 Karawang, Ar-Ridha Al Salam, Labschool Cibubur and Avicenna Jagakarsa. Overall, this EduExpo was very beneficial for students in planning their future educational goals.
Written by: Suryo Aji Banjaransari, Career Planner of Pribadi Depok