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Commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

  • Post category:Events

Indonesian Muslims widely celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. It is regarded as a national holiday commemorated each year on the 12th of the Islamic month of Rabiul Awwal.

This September 2024, we will celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). and offer our children a wonderful opportunity to seek Allah’s blessings by following the path of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Pribadi Elementary School is excited to announce the Maulid Nabi Competition for our primary students! 

Our competitions are:

  1. Calligraphy (some classes have done the competition during art lessons). 
  2. Battle of Brain- Friday, 30 August, 2024. 

At this moment of commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is hoped that Muslims will always follow Rasulullah SAW’s obedience to get blessings from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala (SWT) and happiness in this world and the hereafter.